2022 DLPOA board elections

Are you interested in serving the Dory Lakes community and getting to know more of your neighbors? Well, this is your chance! All five positions on the DLPOA Board of Directors are up for election this year.

New directors will commit to 2 years of service (August 2022—August 2024) and attend our regular, bi-monthly board meetings in addition to assuming one of 5 roles (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Member at Large) which will be determined by the new board after the election. Experience with accounting software (QuickBooks), Stripe, and records management is particularly desired for the role of Treasurer.

If you would like to nominate yourself for one of the open positions on our board, please send us a brief email stating your interest to dorylakespoavp@gmail.com by August 19. Voting will take place at our annual meeting on August 21, 2022.


Introducing the 2022-2024 board


16th Annual Dory Lakes Trick-or-Treat