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Dory Lakes POA Meeting

Join us for our next Dory Lakes POA meeting where we will be approving the 2024-25 Budget. Agenda below:

  1. Call to Order - President

  2. Roll Call- Secretary

  3. Open Forum (President) - Each member present may address the board on any matter of interest or concern. Board members may respond if they deem appropriate. Speakers must observe proper behavior and rules. Speakers may not transfer their time to another speaker. Each speaker is limited to three minutes.

  4. Presentation of annual meeting minutes (Secretary presents and calls for vote to approve the minutes - copies provided to those present if requested)

  5. Presentation of reports (copies provided to those present if requested)

    1. Financials/balance sheet (Treasurer) and Dues Report: 

    2. Fishing Club Report (VP): 

    3. Architectural Committee (President/Dave Sprowls) -

    4. Events Committee (MAL) - 

      1. Yard Sale

      2. Halloween

      3. Holiday in the Park

      4. Winterfest

  6. Old/Unfinished Business

    1. Approve 2024-25 Budget (Treasurer)

  7. New Business

    1. Update on Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

    2. Insurance Update - Fishing Club Increase for STRs

    3. Lake Update - aerators 

  8. Next meeting, February 11, 2024 and motion to adjourn (President)

To participate via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 837 0339 0711

Passcode: 726004

November 2

Day of the Dead Trees - Mountain Pine Beetle Workshop in Dory Lakes

February 11

Dory Lakes POA February Meeting