Water levels in Dory Lake
The current Board shares your ongoing concerns about the water levels in Dory Lake. However, in 1996, DLPOA and Gilpin County entered into a binding agreement whereby the County may utilize up to 30 acre-feet of Dory Lake storage capacity on an annual basis. Water Commissioner for Water District #7 (of which Dory Lakes is a part), Jason Smith, has explained that since Dory Lakes has junior water rights, it will always be secondary in priority to those downstream from us who have senior water rights. At the time of this writing, the head gate controlling spring runoff into the lake has been opened and Dory Lake is filling up!!! Please remember that this action is under the direction of the State Water Division Office. Unfortunately, DLPOA does not have any discretion over this action or its timing due to the aforementioned water lease. The Board will continue to make contact with Gordon Thompson at the Gilpin County Public Works office as needed to bring our lake levels to their attention.